Autoren: G. De-Deus, E. J. Noqueira da Silva, J. Marins, E. M. Souza, A. de Almeida Neves, F. Gonçalves Belladonna, H. Alves, R. T. Lopes, M. A. Versiani
Jahr: 2014
Journal: JOE 2014, first published online: 18 April 2014
Rubriken: Microcracks
Schlüsselwörter: dentinal microcracks, NiTi instruments, nickel-titanium rotary file, micro-cracks, microcracks, nickel-titanium
Introduction: This study aimed to evaluate the frequency of dentinal microcracks observed after root canal preparation with 2 reciprocating and a conventional fullsequence rotary system using micro–computed tomographic analysis.
Methods: Thirty mesial roots of mandibular molars presenting a type II Vertucci canal configuration were scanned at an isotropic resolution of 14.16 mm. The sample was randomly assigned to 3 experimental groups (n = 10) according to the system used for the root canal preparation: group A—Reciproc (VDW, Munich, Germany), group B—WaveOne (Dentsply Maillefer, Baillagues, Switzerland), and group C—BioRaCe (FKG Dentaire, La-Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland). Second and third scans were taken after the root canals were prepared with instruments sizes 25 and 40, respectively. Then, pre- and postoperative cross-section images of the roots (N = 65,340) were screened to identify the presence of dentinal defects.
Results: Dentinal microcracks were observed in 8.72% (n = 5697), 11.01% (n = 7197), and 7.91% (n = 5169) of the cross-sections from groups A (Reciproc), B (WaveOne), and C (BioRaCe), respectively. All dentinal defects identified in the postoperative cross-sections were also observed in the corresponding preoperative images. Conclusions: No causal relationship between dentinal microcrack formation and canal preparation procedures with Reciproc, WaveOne, and BioRaCe systems was observed. (J Endod 2014;-:1–4)
Link zur Studie: 10.1016/j.joen.2014.02.019
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