Autoren: H. P. Lopes, C. N. Elias, M. V. B. Vieira, J. F. Siqueira, M. Mangelli, W. S. P. Lopes, V. T. L. Vieira, F. R. F. Alves, J. C. M. Oliveira, T. G. Soares
Jahr: 2013
Journal: JOE 2013, 39(5):693-6
Rubriken: Cyclic fatigue
Schlüsselwörter: time to fracture, bending resistance
Introduction This study evaluated the influence of flexibility and reciprocating movement on the fatigue life of endodontic instruments subjected to static and dynamic tests.
Methods The rotary nickel-titanium instruments used in this study were Reciproc and Mtwo. The instruments were initially subjected to a cantilever-bending test and then to static and dynamic fatigue tests. Reciproc instruments were operated in reciprocating movement, whereas Mtwo instruments were worked in continuous rotation.
Results The means of bending resistance (maximum load in grams) of the instruments were 274.9 for Reciproc and 429 for Mtwo. The mean times (in seconds) to fracture of the instruments subjected to static and dynamic tests were 214.5 (static) and 286.3 (dynamic) for Reciproc and 38.9 (static) and 99 (dynamic) for Mtwo. The Student’s t test revealed significant differences in all tests (P < .05).
Conclusions The results of the present study showed longer fatigue life for instruments with higher flexibility, driven by reciprocating movement, and in the dynamic testing model. These findings reinforce the assumption that use of reciprocating movement is a means to prolong the fatigue life of rotary nickel-titanium endodontic instruments during instrumentation of curved canals.
Link zur Studie: 10.1016/j.joen.2012.11.048
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