Autoren: F. Haupt, M. Meinel, A. Gunawardana, M. Hülsmann
Jahr: 2019
Journal: Australian Endodontic Journal
Schlüsselwörter: EDDY, irrigation, sonic activation, UAI, debris, smear layer
This study evaluates the effectiveness of different activated irrigation techniques on removal of debris and smear layer from curved root canals. Ninety mandibular molars with a root canal curvature between 20 and 40 degrees were assigned to 4 groups (n = 20): syringe irrigation (SI), passive ultrasonic activation (PUI), sonic activation with EDDY (ED) or EndoActivator (EA) and a control group. Mesiobuccal root canals were prepared to size 40, 0.04 and irrigated with NaOCl (3%) according to the respective technique. Roots were split longitudinally and subjected to scanning electron microscopic analysis. Presence of debris and smear layer was evaluated using 5‐grade scoring systems with 200× and 1000× magnification, respectively. Data were analysed with nonparametric analysis for ordinal longitudinal data (α = 5%). Activation of the irrigant significantly improved smear layer removal (P < 0.05). Regarding debris, only activation with EA and ED was significantly more effective than SI (P < 0.05). No activation technique was able to eliminate debris and smear layer completely from curved root canals.
Link zur Studie: 10.1111/aej.12342
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