Autoren: G. De-Deus, A. Neves, E.J. Silva, T.A. Mendonca, C. Lourenco, C. Calixto, E. J. Moreira
Jahr: 2014
Journal: COI 2014, first published online: 21 June 2014
Rubriken: Extrusion
Schlüsselwörter: apical extrusion, debris, instrumentation, reciprocating movement
This study aims to evaluate the apical extrusion of debris by the two reciprocating single-file systems: WaveOne and Reciproc. Conventional multi-file rotary system was used as a reference for comparison. The hypotheses tested were (i) the reciprocating single-file systems extrude more than conventional multi-file rotary system and (ii) the reciprocating single-file systems extrude similar amounts of dentin debris.
After solid selection criteria, 80 mesial roots of lower molars were included in the present study. The use of four different instrumentation techniques resulted in four groups (n?=?20): G1 (hand-file technique), G2 (ProTaper), G3 (WaveOne), and G4 (Reciproc). The apparatus used to evaluate the collection of apically extruded debris was typical double-chamber collector. Statistical analysis was performed for multiple comparisons.
No significant difference was found in the amount of the debris extruded between the two reciprocating systems. In contrast, conventional multi-file rotary system group extruded significantly more debris than both reciprocating groups. Hand instrumentation group extruded significantly more debris than all other groups.
The present results yielded favorable input for both reciprocation single-file systems, inasmuch as they showed an improved control of apically extruded debris.
Apical extrusion of debris has been studied extensively because of its clinical relevance, particularly since it may cause flare-ups, originated by the introduction of bacteria, pulpal tissue, and irrigating solutions into the periapical tissues.
Link zur Studie: 10.1007/s00784-014-1267-5
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