Autoren: A. G. Rubini, G. Plotino, D. Al-Sudani, N. M. Grande, E. Putorti, G. P. Sonnino, E. Cotti, L. Testarelli, G. Gambarini
Jahr: 2014
Journal: Medical Science Monitor 2014, first published online: 6 March 2014
Rubriken: Cutting efficiency
Schlüsselwörter: NiTi instruments, rotation, reciprocation, cutting efficiency, cutting test
Introduction: The purpose of the present study was to introduce a new device specifically designed to evaluate the cutting efficiency of mechanically driven endodontic instruments.
Methods: Twenty new Reciproc R25 (VDW, Munich, Germany) files were used to be investigated in the new device developed to test the cutting ability of endodontic instruments. The device consists of a main frame to which a mobile plastic support for the hand-piece is connected and a stainless-steel block containing a Plexiglas block against which the cutting efficiency of the instruments was tested. The length of the block cut in 1 minute was measured in a computerized program with a precision of 0.1mm. The instruments were activated by using a torque-controlled motor (Silver Reciproc; VDW, Munich, Germany) in a reciprocating movement by the “Reciproc ALL” program (Group 1) and in counter-clockwise rotation at 300 rpm (Group 2). Mean and standard deviations of each group were calculated and data were statistically analyzed with a one-way ANOVA test (P<0.05).
Results: Reciproc in reciprocation (Group 1) mean cut in the Plexiglas block was 8.6 mm (SD=0.6 mm), while Reciproc in rotation mean cut was 8.9 mm (SD=0.7 mm). There was no statistically significant difference between the 2 groups investigated (P>0.05).
Conclusion: The cutting testing device evaluated in the present study was reliable and easy to use and may be effectively used to test cutting efficiency of both rotary and reciprocating mechanical endodontic instruments.
Link zur Studie: 10.12659/MSM.890119
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