Innovative Sonic Powered Irrigation
Sonic powered tips for activating irrigants

  • Safe
  • Effective
  • Proven
Learn more

EDDY® tips are powered at a high frequency of up to 6,000 Hz by airscaler. The vibration produced is transferred to the polyamide tip, which – thanks to the special qualities of the material – is moved in an oscillating motion at high amplitude. This three-dimensional movement triggers cavitation and acoustic streaming attributed with higher cleaning efficiency.

Sonic powered EDDY tips bring the same effectiveness to activating irrigants as ultrasonics, but due to the soft polymer tips, sets a new standard of combined safety and efficiency. Furthermore, EDDY demonstrates its versatility by supporting placement and removal of calcium hydroxide as well as placement of sealer.

  • 5 blister packs of 2 Irrigation Tips, sterile

Product information

Three benefits in one solution

EDDY is made from a safe and flexible polymer material, unlike the stiff metal of irrigation needles and ultrasonic tips. Thus, it can easily go around curves – maintaining the integrity of the root canal anatomy.

  • Reliable removal of residual tissue and dentine chips
  • Closer approximation to the apex than a metal tip
  • Forgiving material with low risk of fracturing the tip or damaging the dentine

With vibration of 5,000 to 6,000 Hz, EDDY creates a three-dimensional movement. The polymer material of EDDY causes a highly effective oscillation in the irrigant that triggers two cleaning effects: cavitation and acoustic streaming.

  • Three-dimensional movement for irrigant activation
  • Extended reach through oscillation
  • Physical effects intensify cleaning performance

Research* not only shows that sonic action helps to remove debris and reach areas difficult to clean through mechanical preparation. It is also proven that EDDY tips activated by an airscaler at 6,000 Hz perform equal to or better than passive ultrasonic irrigation.

*Source: Canal cleanliness using different irrigation activation systems: a SEM evaluation. Urban K, Donnermeyer D, Schäfer E, Bürklein S; Department of Operative Dentistry, University of Münster, Münster, Germany; Clin Oral Investig, Feb. 2016


Product number



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Multifunctional drawer insert, equipment trolley and table tray in a single unit


VDW EDDY - Innovative Sonic Powered Irrigation

Expert opinions


Dr Winfried Zeppenfeld

EDDY irrigates the canal clean and is aggressive on biofilm but gentle on the tooth with no danger of ledges or perforations.


Dr Mauro Amato

If you compare the activation of irrigants with EDDY to other activation techniques, it is evident that EDDY triggers a cyclone.

England & Italy

Dr Vittorio Franco

After just a few seconds of using EDDY there is no debris visible on the entire root canal wall and NaOCl seems to work better.


Effectiveness of different activated irrigation techniques on debris and smear layer removal from curved root canals: a SEM evaluation F. Haupt, M. Meinel, A. Gunawardana, M. Hülsmann – Australian Endodontic Journal, Link to study

Evaluation of two shaping systems and two sonic irrigation devices in removing root canal filling material from distal roots of mandibular molars assessed by micro CT M. K. Kaloustian, W. Nehme, C. El Hachem, C. Zogheib, N. Ghosn, J. P. Mallet, F. Diemer, A. Naaman – International Endodontic Journal, Link to study

Impact of Different Irrigant Agitation Methods on Bacterial Elimination from Infected Root Canals W. Hage, R. J. G. De Moor, D. Hajj, G. Sfeir, D. K. Sarkis, C. Zogheib – Dentistry Journal, Link to study

Micro‐CT evaluation of sonically and ultrasonically activated irrigation on the removal of hard‐tissue debris from isthmus‐containing mesial root canal systems of mandibular molars T. Rödig, C. Koberg, S. Baxter, F. Konietschke, A. Wiegand, M. Rizk – International Endodontic Journal, Link to study

Penetration depth of irrigants into root dentine after sonic, ultrasonic and photoacoustic activation K. M. Galler, V. Grubmüller, R. Schlichting, M. Widbiller, A. Eidt, C. Schuller, M. Wölflick, K.-A. Hiller, W. Buchalla – International Endodontic Journal, Link to study

Removal of Calcium Hydroxide from Artificial Grooves in Straight Root Canals: Sonic Activation Using EDDY Versus Passive Ultrasonic Irrigation and XPendo Finisher David Donnermeyer, Hendrik Wyrsch, Sebstian Bürklein, Edgar Schäfer – Journal of Endodontics, Link to study

Efficacy of sonic and ultrasonic irrigation devices in the removal of debris from canal irregularities in artificial root canals Gianluca Plotino, Nicola M. Grande, Montse Mercade, Teresa Cortese, Simone Staffoli, Gianluca Gambarini, Luca Testarelli – Journal of Applied Oral Science, Link to study

Antibacterial efficacy of an endodontic sonic-powered irrigation system: An in vitro study Chang Zeng, Jon Willison, Mohamed M. Meghil, Brian E. Bergeron, Christopher W. Cutler, Franklin R. Tay, Lina Niu, Jingzhi Ma – Journal of Dentistry, Link to study

Efficacy of sonically, ultrasonically and laser-activated irrigation in removing a biofilm-mimicking hydrogel from an isthmus model R. C. D. Swimberghe, A. De Clercq, R. J. G. De Moor, M. A. Meire – International Endodontic Journal, Link to study

Effect of sonic and ultrasonic activation on organic tissue dissolution from simulated grooves in root canals using sodium hypochlorite and EDTA A.J. Conde, R. Estevez, G. Loroño, O. Velencia de Pablo, G. Rossi-Fedele, R. Cisneros – Wiley Online Library, Link to study

Canal cleanliness using different irrigation activation systems: a SEM evaluation K. Urban, D. Donnermeyer, Edgar Schäfer, S. Bürklein,   – Springer International Publishing, Link to study

Antibacterial Efficacy of a New Sonic Irrigation Device for Root Canal Disinfection Klaus W. Neuhaus, Melanie Liebi, Simone Stauffacher, Sigrun Eick, Adrian Lussi – Journal of Endodontics, Link to study

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Which air scalers can be used with EDDY?
Why does EDDY not fit on KaVo SONICflex 2008 but on the prior model KaVo SONICflex 2003?

KaVo SONICflex is 2003 compatible with EDDY [M3 thread]. KaVo SONICflex quick 2008 has a quick coupling with only one thread gear which is not suitable for EDDY’s plastic thread.

Which coupling is necessary to use the W&H ZA-55 air scaler models?

The W&H air scaler models are compatible with all KaVo MultiFlex- respectively Sirona-couplings. In all other cases, the air scaler model has to match the type of coupling of the dental unit.

Are EDDY tips reusable?

EDDY is a sterile single-use product / not reusable.

Additional product information

Perfect integration into your workflow

EDDY can easily be integrated into daily practice, as no documentation for the number of usages is needed. The tip is also compatible with a variety of airscalers.

  • Sterile packaged single-use tips
  • Cost-efficient and time-saving
  • Easy implementation with one tip regardless of canal size

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