There are 2 different thread types for KaVo air scalers on the market. KaVo SONICflex 2000 & 2003; These are compatible with EDDY [M3 thread]. KaVo SONICflex quick 2008 has a quick coupling with only one thread gear which is not suitable for EDDY´s plastic thread.
The W&H air scaler models in the Starter Kit is compatible with all KaVo MultiFlex respectively Sirona- couplings. In all other cases, the air scaler model has to match the type of coupling of the dental unit.
Unfortunately it is not compatible with EDDY as it is a ultrasonic device. EDDY is driven in a significant lower frequency range of 5,000 – 6,000 Hz compared to ultrasound (25,000 – 30,000 Hz). EDDY is driven by an air scaler.
Since the SonicLine air scaler from Komet is a standard air scaler with M3 thread, it can be used with EDDY. However, it wasn´t tested by VDW, therefore it is not mentioned in the compatibility list.
Dental units with turbine and with micro-motor. Standard is a dental unit with 2 micro-motors and 1 turbine. If a dental unit does not have a turbine connection, EDDY cannot be used.
Protection of clothing and eyes! Screw EDDY clockwise into the thread of the air scaler hand piece manually. Introduce EDDY into the prepared root canal and fill the pulp chamber with a suitable irrigation solution e.g. NaOCI solution. Activate the air scaler and move EDDY carefully up and down with vertical motions. Do not exert any additional manual pressure. Repeat irrigation with EDDY after every preparation step.
It is recommended to activate EDDY up to 10 seconds during each irrigation interval during preparation. It should be activated longer for the last irrigation, about 20 to 30 seconds.
EDDY is a sterile single-use product/ not reusable.
No. In the case of an open apex, care must be taken to ensure that EDDY is inserted into the root canal only up to 1mm short of the apex. There is no risk of apical extrusion of irrigant with EDDY. This can be proven by test on flow behavior and through visualization of the flow behavior with micro particles in the irrigation solution.
The duration of irrigation varies for each user depending on how carefully the user irrigates. It is not possible to achieve comparable irrigation results in the same time as EDDY with an irrigation cannula. Furthermore, due to the geometry of the root canal, there is a risk that during manual irrigation, the cannula could easily get stuck in the canal. This leads to a significant increase in the risk of irrigation accidents [extrusion of NaOCl].
There is no risk because of the flow behavior. Although the irrigant is driven downwards in the root canal through the oscillating motion of the tip, it does not extrude the apex. The oscillating movement creates swirling eddies in the irrigant which strengthens the cleaning effect on the canal walls.
Only use irrigation solutions commonly used in endodontics to irrigate the root canal, e.g. NaOCI solution [5.25 % max.].
Currently, a study concerning this question is being conducted by Dr. Neuhaus at the University of Bern. The first positive results were generated for EDDY and it was proven that slight heat was generated, even after the canal curvature. This shows how efficient the activation of the tip is.
The frequency of the air scaler should be set on the highest level. However, the limit of 6000 Hz should not be exceeded. [max. air supply 0.3 MPa [3 bar]].
Always use a rubber dam, protect your clothes and use eye protection. Avoid spillage by having the dental assistant hold a saliva ejector (without covering) next to the tooth. Pay attention that the irrigation solution is introduced into the pulp cavity and not sucked directly into the saliva ejector. Normally, 5ml of NaOCI suffice for one tooth. This is less than the recommended amount required for conventional irrigation with a syringe.
The fragment can be removed by using a paper point (adhesion forces) or a Hedström file. In many cases it already floats on the surface.
Yes, a broken EDDY screw thread can be removed from the air scaler by a pointed screwdriver that should be pushed slowly into the plastic screw thread and unscrewed.
The water inflow can be deactivated quickly and easily. If the water supply has not been stopped manually, the inflow of water will be blocked automatically through the screwing of EDDY into the air scaler hand piece. This prevents a leakage of water.
The decisive factors are the information and instructions in the DFU of air scaler. Since the scaler is without electronic components, we currently see no risk for these patients.
One tip costs 4,60 EUR. EDDY is sold in standard boxes of 10 tips each (4 blister á-packs of 2 tips) for 46,00 EUR.
One size fits all! Due to its high flexibility, EDDY fits every canal anatomy.
No, there is only one EDDY size. In case of short or difficult to reach canals it is possible to pre-bend the tip without folding it.