It is a closed ended, flexible plastic needle with two ports located at 180from each other. Due to its flexibility and adaptability,the EDDY FLEX.CANNULA irrigation needlecan go around curves with less resistance and greater ease.
Clinicians can continue to utilize any activation method they currently use in their practice, for exampletheEDDYtip. The EDDY FLEX.CANNULAand theEDDY tipare complementaryand can be both used, as described in the step-by-step card
We use full strength sodium hypochlorite (6% or 5.25% active) to assist in the removal of tissue and organic matter followed by rinsing with aqueous EDTA to aid in the removal of the inorganic portion of the smear layer. The irrigation needle is intended to be used in combination with sodium hypochlorite or EDTA or chlorhexidine solutions.
Such accidents happen rarely in endodontics and is something we all wish to avoid. Causes can be due tothe placement and movement of the irrigation needle, the volume/time deliveryratio of irrigants and/or thefailure to identify resorption and perforations prior to initiating irrigation protocols. Open-ended needles deliver irrigant ahead of the needle tip and don’t allowbackflow. This is one of the most likely scenarios leading to irrigation accidents. With slight needle movement and a controlleddiffusionof the solution, irrigation accidents are easily avoided.
An open-ended needle, while sending a flow apically more effectively is also much more dangerous regarding irrigation mishaps, as it pushesthe irrigant to the apex.Needleswith lateral ports offers a better safety margin, while allowing to irrigatein the apical region.
We know from clinical experience and dental anatomy literature that canal lengths, from orifice to apex, are between9-12mm with a maximum length of 15mm (resulting in thirds of 3-4 or occasionally 5mm each). With a crown length of 10-12mm, most canals can be irrigated with relative ease.
Irrigation solutions such as sodium hypochlorite should have tissue contact times of 20 to 30mins to aid in the removal/digestion of tissue and disinfection. Final irrigation protocols recommend final use of bleach and EDTA in the range of 30 –60s per canal.
Insert gently the canula at the canal orifice. Start irrigating at the coronal entry, bring the needle down into the canal while irrigating abundantly until the coronal 2/3 of the canal is reached. Irrigate in the canal with a continuous back and forthmovement. Irrigate with 1 or 2 ml of solution after each pass of instruments (hand file and/or mechanized instrument)