
Press Releases

Activated irrigation

The effective and thorough disinfection of the entire root canal system is often one of the most underestimated steps in a root canal treatment. As mechanical instrumentation is only able to reach up to 60 - 70% of the root canal system, chemical disinfection has to take care of the rest. Isthmuses, lateral canals and apical ramifications are ideal “hiding” places for bacteria. The irrigating solution introduced with a cannula cannot penetrate deeply enough into all the hollow spaces to capture all residual infected tissue and flush it out of the canal. Vigorous agitation of the irrigant is necessary in order to achieve this. After many years of experimentation, Dr Zeppenfeld, a dentist based in Flensburg, developed an instrument which with the expertise of VDW Munich has been perfected to achieve precisely this. EDDY™ is a sonic powered endodontic irrigation tip made of polyamide and is used in combination with an Airscaler which is commonly used in clinical practices. No other additional device is required.

Thanks to its geometry and the special qualities of the material, EDDY™ reaches its optimal oscillation frequency when driven by an Airscaler at between 5,000 and 6,000 Hz. This in turn triggers cavitation and acoustic streaming which enables effective removal of debris and thorough cleaning of the complex root canal system. As the tip is made of flexible polyamide, it is gentle on dentine. EDDY™ also supports the application of sealer and calcium hydroxide as well as the removal of calcium hydroxide. EDDY™ may be small in size but it is certainly large in impact.

The product is available in sterile packaging as a single-use product (one size, one length). 

